The OPW 89 Extractor Wrench is designed to install or remove OPW 53VML and 30MV Ball Float Vent Valves or OPW 233VP and 233VMP Test Plugs in OPW 233, 233V, and 233VM Extractor Fittings. The 89 is also designed to work with the cage assemblies on the 233E Suction Tube Extractor Fitting and 88E Extractable Angle Check Valve in suction system applications. The 89 wrench consists of a 4 foot section of pipe welded to a “T” handle with a 2" hook section. The 2" hook section mates with current OPW ball floats and extractable cages.
- Pipe: Extra-heavy black iron
- Handle and Hook: Ductile iron